General Conditions of “My HKT” Portal

1.These General Conditions
a.This “My HKT” portal (My HKT website:; mobile app: My HKT App) and any of its webpages and applications (collectively, “Portal”, which defined term includes any functions or features thereunder) are provided and managed by us, HKT CSP Limited. The Portal is a self-service integrated platform for you to manage your My HKT account and information of your Subscribed Services (“My HKT Account”) through a single login, and for us to register and manage your My HKT Account on the Portal as your agent.
b.Once registered with a My HKT Account, you may be able to view certain electronic bills of those eligible Subscribed Services on your My HKT Account (“View Bill Service”), view and access electronic coupons under those eligible Subscribed Services in “My Wallet” on your My HKT Account and access other services via the Portal (such as “My Line Test”, which allows line testing for certain HKT Group services).
c.By registering a My HKT Account, you unconditionally agree to all terms and conditions in connection with the Portal, including the prevailing version of these General Conditions, the Personal Information Collection Statement(s) made available to you at the time of your download or registration of the Portal and/or your use of the various services under the Portal (collectively, “PICS”), the “HKT Privacy Statement” (available at My HKT website) and such other terms and conditions made available to you at the time of your download, registration and/or use of the Portal, as they may be modified and/or supplemented from time to time, with or without prior notice to you (collectively, “Contract T&Cs”). Please check the relevant webpages regularly to see if there have been any modifications and/or supplements which may have been made.
a.When you apply for any relevant Subscribed Services with the relevant Service Provider(s), you at the same time authorise us to act as your agent to register all the service accounts of your Subscribed Services under your Hong Kong Identity Card number, passport number and/or other document(s) as your My HKT Account on the Portal, to manage your My HKT Account, to provide various services to you via the Portal and to provide other information and services in relation to your Subscribed Services to you under the Portal.
b.For the purpose of such registration, management and provision of services:
(i)you must provide us with accurate, complete and updated registration information;
(ii)you must safeguard any user name and password which we provide to you and/or used by you;
(iii)you authorise us to assume that any person accessing or using the Portal under your My HKT Account is either you or is duly authorised to act for you and on your behalf, and you shall be liable for any actions undertaken by such person in connection with his/her access to and/or use of your My HKT Account; and
(iv)you authorise us to liaise with and provide all necessary information to the relevant Service Provider(s) and obtain all necessary information from the relevant Service Providers regarding your Subscribed Services as and when necessary, for the purpose of setting up and registering your My HKT Account, managing and providing services to you on your My HKT Account under the Portal (including but not limited to obtaining billing information from the relevant Service Provider(s) for the purpose of the View Bill Service and other services under the Portal).
3.Our Handling of the Portal
a.We technically operate the Portal ourselves or through our agent(s) and/or sub-contractor(s). However, we exercise no editorial control over some of the Content on the Portal and in some cases, other entities or persons may provide Content on the Portal or operate parts of the Portal or other Internet sites you may view or access through the Portal (“Third Party Providers”).
b.For the purpose of our management and provision of services in relation to your My HKT Account under the Portal, you authorise us and the relevant Service Provider(s) to take all necessary actions from time to time and as and when necessary, including but not limited to the followings:
(i)to obtain the information of your Subscribed Services (including but not limited to the subscription dates, contents, contractual periods, billing information and your personal and other data) from the relevant Service Provider(s), and provide the information on your My HKT Account (including but not limited to your personal and other data on your my HKT Account) to the relevant Service Providers, for the purpose of setting up a user profile for the purpose of registration on the Portal, managing your my HKT Account and service provisioning under the Portal (such as the View Bill Service) to you;
(ii)to arrange for updating of the information on your My HKT Account; and
(iii)to arrange updating information in your My HKT Account with the relevant Service Provider(s) pursuant to your instructions.
c.For the purpose of receiving the latest market information concerning your Subscribed Services and their business partners, we have standing instruction from you to obtain, on your behalf, from the Service Providers your personal data including contact information and geographical data (if any) at any time when it is necessary for delivering the market information to you by whatever possible means, including but not limited to mail, email, SMS, push notifications and voice calls.
4.Change of Terms and Conditions
a.You acknowledge that we may, at any time, at our sole discretion and with or without notice:
(i)change, modify or supplement on any terms and conditions in connection with the Portal; and
(ii)change, modify, suspend or discontinue all or any part of the Portal and the services (including any Content) available on it.
b.We may revise any Contract T&Cs from time to time by updating this posting and/or at the relevant website(s). The revised terms and conditions will take effect when they are posted, unless stated otherwise. By continuing to maintain your My HKT Account and/or to use the Portal, you are deemed to have agreed to any revised terms and conditions.
a.For your access to the Portal, we reserve the right at any time to:
(i)charge fees; and
(ii)change or supplement on any terms and conditions on which the fees shall be charged,
but if we do so, we shall give you at least 30 days’ advance notice. Once we have told you about such a change, you must let us know at least 15 days before such change coming into effect if you want to terminate your My HKT Account under the Portal. Your existing contract(s) with the relevant Service Provider(s) shall not be affected by such termination, other those parts concerning the Portal.
b.Unless you decide to terminate your My HKT Account under the Portal pursuant to Clause 5a, any introduction of fees and/or amendments to any of the terms and conditions as per Clause 5a shall be treated as (at our sole discretion) amendments to these General Conditions, and you will be bound by those new or amended terms and conditions accordingly.
a.You acknowledge that the Content on the Portal is subject to copyright and possibly other intellectual property rights (“Intellectual Property Rights”). Unless you are expressly authorised by law and by the relevant copyright owner(s), you must not in any way whatsoever participate in or permit any other entities or persons, to, directly or indirectly:
(i)sell, reproduce, distribute, modify, display, publicly perform, prepare derivative works based on, repost or otherwise use any of the Content in any way for any public or commercial purpose without our prior written consent;
(ii)use any Content on any other websites or in a networked computer environment for any purpose;
(iii)reverse engineer any Content consisting of downloadable software; or
(iv)otherwise infringe any of the Intellectual Property Rights of any person in using the Portal or any Content.
b.Nothing you do on or in relation to the Portal will transfer any Intellectual Property Rights to you or license you to exercise any Intellectual Property Rights unless this is expressly stated.
7.Your Use of the Portal
a.You must not in any way whatsoever access or use the Portal (or allow the Portal to be accessed or used) or post any Content on the Portal (or allow any Content on the Portal to be posted), directly or indirectly, that:
(i)you do not have the right to post;
(ii)is defamatory or in contempt of any legal or other proceedings;
(iii)is misleading or deceptive;
(iv)incites hatred or discrimination against any group of persons being a group defined by reference to colour, race, sex, origin, nationality or ethnic or national origins;
(v)denounces religious or political beliefs;
(vi)includes religious, political or other material which is or is likely to be offensive;
(vii)is indecent, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, offensive or of doubtful propriety;
(viii)is of a menacing character;
(ix)is likely to cause nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety;
(x)is likely to encourage crime, public disorder, violence or hatred;
(xi)is likely to damage public health, safety or morals;
(xii)infringes any copyright, trade mark, patent or other intellectual property right of another person;
(xiii)contains any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material;
(xiv)contains viruses or similar software or data which is designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware; or
(xv)impersonates any person or misrepresents your relationship with any person.
b.You must not in any way whatsoever, directly or indirectly:
(i)misuse the Portal;
(ii)disrupt or interfere with any part of the Portal or servers or other software, hardware or equipment connected to or via the Portal;
(iii)try to access the Portal in any way or method other than the instructions or interface provided by us;
(iv)violate any Applicable Law relating to your use of the Portal;
(v)collect or store personal data about other users of the Portal;
(vi)hack, break into, access or use the website of someone else without authority; or
(vii)commit any action which may be immoral, tortious, unlawful, illegal or infringe any intellectual property rights of any party.
8.Other User Content
a.The Portal may contain Content uploaded, posted, emailed or otherwise electronically transmitted (“Posted”, and to “Post” shall be construed accordingly) by users of the Portal, including you (“User Content”).
b.We do not monitor or exercise editorial control over User Content. However, we reserve the right:
(i)to access or examine any User Content; and
(ii)at our discretion move, remove or disable access to User Content which we consider, at our sole opinion to breach any Applicable Law or to be otherwise unacceptable.
c.In relation to any Content Posted by you, you grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free licence throughout the world to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, sublicense, create derivate works from, incorporate in other works (whether electronic or not), distribute, perform and display such Content, whether in whole or in part.
d.You acknowledge that we may remove Content Posted by you in accordance with any applicable guidelines, such as guidelines relating to period of storage or the maximum disc space which is allotted to you.
9.Third Party Providers
a.You acknowledge that:
(i)parts of the Portal; and
(ii)parts of the Content,
may be contributed, provided or maintained by Third Party Providers and not by us. We make no statement, representation or warranty, express or implied, that we agree, disagree, approve or endorse with any such materials or external websites and we will not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, destruction or damage (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) however arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of or reliance on the contents of any such materials or external websites delivered on or via the Portal or inability to use any of them.
b.Your correspondence or dealings with any Third Party Providers are solely between you and that Third Party Provider, and you agree that we will not in any way be liable or responsible for any loss or damage of any sort howsoever incurred as the result of such dealings.
10.Links and Advertisements
a.We have not reviewed all of the sites linked to the Portal and we are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any off-Portal pages or any other sites linked to the Portal (including without limitation sites linked through advertisements or through any search engines).
b.Some links which appear on the Portal are automatically generated, and may be offensive or inappropriate to some people. The inclusion of any link does not imply that we agree, disagree, approve or endorse the linked site, and you use the links at your own risk.
c.Your correspondence or dealings with, or participation in promotions of, advertisers on the Portal are solely between you and such advertisers.
d.The inclusion of any such sites or advertisements on the Portal does not imply that we agree, disagree, approve or endorse any of those sites or advertisements. We will not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, destruction or damage (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) however arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of or reliance on such sites or advertisements delivered on or via the Portal or inability to use any of them.
11.Personal Data
a.In using the Portal you may give us “personal data” as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. You have certain rights in this personal data. By using the Portal you grant us your consent to use your personal data in accordance with the PICS and the HKT Privacy Statement.
12.The Use of the Portal At Your Own Risk
a.You use the Portal at your own risk. You must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of the Portal, including reliance on the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the Portal. All information provided on or via the Portal by us or any of the other Service Providers is for general and indicative purposes only. You should seek your own independent advice with respect to your use of the Portal.
b.We endeavour to provide a convenient and functional Portal, but we do not guarantee that the Portal will be continuous, error free or that the Portal or the server that operates it is free of viruses or other harmful components.
c.Although we will use reasonable endeavours to maintain the Portal, we do not undertake to provide support or maintenance services for the Portal.
d.If your use of the Portal results in the need for servicing or replacing any property, material, equipment or data, we will not be in any way responsible for such costs or expenses.
e.Without limiting the above provisions, everything on the Portal is provided to you on an “as is” and an “as available” basis, without warranty or condition of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. We exclude all representations and warranties to the fullest extent permissible under any Applicable Law.
f.In particular, we do not make any express or implied warranty as to the accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, reliability, security, timeliness or freedom from computer virus in relation to any content on the Portal. We will not be liable for any errors in, omissions from, or misstatements or misrepresentations (whether express or implied) concerning any such information, and will not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, destruction or damage (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) however arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of or reliance on the information delivered on the Portal or inability to use the Portal or any services delivered through the Portal.
g.“My Line Test” allows line testing for certain HKT Group services (which may include, but not limited to, NETVIGATOR / LiKE1OO broadband, Home Phone, eye and Now TV services). While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the line testing, the line test result provided is for reference only. We do not provide any warranty or guarantee, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the results. The line test result is based on information available at the time of the test and is subject to various factors, including the proper connection of cables, the power supply status of your broadband modem / Now TV set-top box / eye device, and the status of your telephone line. We shall not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising from the use of “My Line Test”, and we accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions.
13.Limitation of Liability
a.We and other HKT members, their respective staff and representative shall not in any way be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, collateral, special, punitive or incidental loss, destruction or damage of any kind (including but not limited to corruption of data, loss of profits, goodwill, bargain or opportunity or loss of anticipated savings or any other loss) resulting from your access to, reliance on, or use of, or inability to use the Portal and the Content, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, negligence or any other legal theory, and whether or not we know of the possibility of such damage.
b.For the avoidance of any doubt, nothing in these General Conditions shall exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence. All terms expressed or implied by statute or otherwise are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
14.Cancellation of Registration
a.We may cancel or suspend your registration or your use of the Portal if you do not visit the Portal for a long period of time, or if we reasonably believe that you may have violated, acted inconsistently with or the spirit of any Applicable Laws or any of the Contract T&Cs or may have violated our rights or those of another party, or if we are investigating any suspected misuse or misconduct. If you encounter any cancellation or suspension of service, please contact our customer service officers by visiting our website.
b.When your registration is cancelled, you may no longer have access to the Portal.
c.You acknowledge and agree that Clauses 12 (The Use of the Portal At Your Own Risk), 13 (Limitation of Liability) and 16 (General Provisions) shall survive cancellation of your registration or termination of the Portal.
a.We will give you any necessary notices by posting them on the Portal. You agree:
(i)to check the Portal for notices regularly; and
(ii)that you will be considered to have received a notice when it is made available to you by posting on the Portal.
b.We may also give you notice by such other means as designated by us (e.g. by “My Messages” under the Portal, post, email, SMS and/or bill insert).
16.General Provisions
a.If any part of the Contract T&Cs is held to be unenforceable, the unenforceable part shall be given effect to the greatest extent possible and the remainder will remain in full force and effect.
b.You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless us, our officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from your use of the Portal or the Content or your breach of any of the Contract T&Cs.
c.Save for any members of the PCCW, no other person or entity who is not a registered user of the Portal has any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce any provisions of the Contract T&Cs or any rights and/or benefits in connection thereunder.
d.The English version of these General Conditions shall prevail over any Chinese version (if any) which is provided for information purposes only.
e.These General Conditions will be governed by the laws of Hong Kong. You irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.
a.Applicable Law” in relation to any entity (including a person), action or thing means the following in relation to that entity, action or thing:
(i)any law, rule or regulation of any country (or political sub-division of a country);
(ii)any obligation under any licence in any country (or political sub-division of a country); and
(iii)any lawful and binding determination, decision or direction of a regulator in any country (or political sub-division of a country).
b.Content” includes things that you may see, read, hear, download or access on or via the Portal (including but not limited to messages, files, data, software, images, photographs, illustrations, text and other materials).
c.Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance” means the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623, the Laws of Hong Kong).
d.HKT” means HKT Limited and its subsidiaries.
e.Hong Kong” means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
f.PCCW” means PCCW Limited and its subsidiaries, which, for the purpose of these General Conditions, exclude HKT.
g.Service Provider” means the relevant members and/or business partners of PCCW or HKT, which may include, without limitation, Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited, CSL Mobile Limited and PCCW Media Limited.
h.Subscribed Service” means certain service(s) which you subscribed for and is provided by the relevant Service Provider, which may include, without limitation, HKT Home Phone, eye, IDD 0060 / 0062, NETVIGATOR broadband, LiKE1OO broadband, csl mobile, 1O1O mobile, Club Sim (monthly service plan), Now TV and Now E services.
i.We” means HKT CSP Limited, and the terms “us” and “our” shall be construed accordingly.
j.You” means the customer who subscribes for the Subscribed Service(s) from the relevant Service Provider(s) and will be, has or has been registered on the Portal, and the term “your” shall be construed accordingly.

Version: November 2023